Ultrasonic Leak Detector

Detector: Transmitter:
☄Operating temperature: 0 ~ 40°C ☄Operating temperature: 0 ~ 40°
☄Operating humidity: < 80 %RH ☄Operating humidity: < 80 % RH
☄Frequency responding: 40kHz +/- 2kHz ☄Generating frequency: 40kHz
☄Power: 9V battery ☄Power: 9V battery
☛The transmitter will generate a 40kHz ultrasonic signal, and it is used in conjunction with the detector to detecting the leaking location of the object.
For example, the detector will detect signal leaking from the hole of the pipeline, and as the user moves the detector, the hole can be located correctly.
The main application is the tightness test of any kind, for example, doors, windows, plumbing, container, car windows, refrigerators … etc.
Detector: Transmitter:
☄Operating temperature: 0 ~ 40°C ☄Operating temperature: 0 ~ 40°
☄Operating humidity: < 80 %RH ☄Operating humidity: < 80 % RH
☄Frequency responding: 40kHz +/- 2kHz ☄Generating frequency: 40kHz
☄Power: 9V battery ☄Power: 9V battery
☛Ultrasonic leak detector utilizes an ultrasonic sensor to check the airtightness of the pipeline.
The operation is easy and accurate.
The instrument can identify the gas leakage of various pressure or vacuum system.
The operation is easy and accurate.
The instrument can identify the gas leakage of various pressure or vacuum system.
☛The transmitter will generate a 40kHz ultrasonic signal, and it is used in conjunction with the detector to detecting the leaking location of the object.
For example, the detector will detect signal leaking from the hole of the pipeline, and as the user moves the detector, the hole can be located correctly.
The main application is the tightness test of any kind, for example, doors, windows, plumbing, container, car windows, refrigerators … etc.