Diesel KIKI (Zexel) Seal and Clutch Tool Set
Service standard Diesel Kiki and York compressor model DKS 12 and DK15. Complete with tool box and instruction.
58401 Internal Snap-Ring Pliers 58482 Internal Snap-Ring Pliers
58507 Compressor Holding Fixture 58483 Valve Plate Remover
58480 Pulley Bearing Driver 58437 Lock Nut Remover & Installer
58481 6" Clutch Bearing Installer 58438 Clutch Plate Remover
58402 O-Ring Seal Sleeve Remover 58702 Pulley Removal Jaws
58403 Seal Seat Remover 58433 Bearing & Pulley Installer
58463 Pulley Puller Arbor 58484 Thrust Bolt Shim Gauge
58701 Universal Puller Body 58439 Snap-Ring, O-Ring, Felt Installer
58408 Seal Seat Installer 58440 Pulley Puller Pilot
58501 Universal Clutch Holding Tool 58441 Seal Remover & Installer
58467 External Snap-ring Pliers 58442 Seal Remover & Installer
58411 Seal Remover & Installer 58504 Universal Feeler Gauge Set
58430 Clutch Plate Installer